
中国重慶市小児学会設立大会 出席報告


重慶では,史教授(大坪病院小児科教授)はじめ皆様の温かな歓迎とおもてなしを受け,感動とともに大変有意義な訪問となりました。大会では,「Developmentally supportive care on the outcome for preterm-born infants」と題した講演を行いました(以下にアブストラクトを示します)。

日中の相互理解が進み,学術や医療面での相互交流が発展することを期待します。また,今回ご同行いただきました本学 顧寿智教授に深く感謝申し上げます。

大城 昌平

Lecture Abstract: Today, more than 95% infants born before 28 weeks gestation, and under 1250 grams, survive. Infants born at 24 weeks have a survival chance of about 50% in modern tertiary care centers. Preterm-born infants experience a range of adverse physical, behavioral, and mental health problems. Previously it was believed that in the absence of major complications (large intraventricular hemorrhages, significant chronic lung disease, severe intrauterine growth restriction; necrotizing enterocolitis) over time these children would 'catch up'. Recent research suggests however that as preterm-born infants mature they remain and often become increasingly disadvantaged on many measures of neuro-cognitive function and processing. It is becoming increasingly clear that it is not enough to assure the survival of preterm born infants. The quality of life is a key responsibility of the professionals working in newborn intensive care nurseries. Care for preterm-born infants that goes beyond the assurance of survival and takes seriously the assurance of optimal outcome in the long term, requires thorough knowledge and understanding of the immature infant’s neurological and neurobehavioral development. This presentation provides a framework for the delivery of care from a neuro-developmental perspective, and the effects of individualized developmentally supportive care on the outcome for children born preterm.

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